Sunday - Thursday9AM - 5PM
OfficeHouse# 2, Road# 119, Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh


 Maxwell Stamp Ltd. had facilitated the lead firm by providing two national key experts who would have concentrated on the formulation of a PPTA inter-agency working group of the implementation arrangements. Facilitated to set up dialogues with the Government to foster a partnership in reform which would ensure Government ownership for the Capital Market Development...

Regulations for the new legislation, a development plan for state-owned insurance corporations and updated mortality tables. Capacity building for key staff members of the present insurance regulatory authority (OCCI) Protection of insurance policy-holders; the insurance regulator needed to monitor company performance through systematic reports and evaluate all aspects of the insurance business. Capacity enhancements for...

MSL provided the services of individual consultants involved in legal, regulatory and financial management technical assistance to DWASA and ADB. Services included, but not limited to the following: Reviewing the existing regulatory framework for water supply sector in Bangladesh; Reviewing the regulatory commissions of power and telecom sector in Bangladesh, focusing on function, effectiveness and...

Designed the surveys and ensued database covering all important definitional, analytical, policy, incentives and institutional issues and based on the most appropriate definitions of the various variables; Generated the primary data to the highest standard of accuracy possible, and obtained all appropriate secondary data bearing in mind the imperative to deal with the econometric problem...

Research/Studies on discriminatory provision towards women and girls and Dissemination Preparation of a Strategy for Partnership with Civil Society and Others for Promotion of Reproductive Health and Gender MSL was involved in two separate studies. One of the studies was ‘A review to identify legal provisions that are inconsistent with CEDAW.’ The other was ‘A...

Prepared inventory of existing UP training programme; Prepared inventory of existing resources organizations for UP training; Identified problems, weaknesses and critical gaps of UP training; Identified basic elements of UP raining strategy; Identified types of UP training courses-basis/orientation courses and specialized courses; Identified topics to be covered under basic/orientation UP training course; Identified topics to...

AddressBangladesh Office
Maxwell Stamp Ltd.
House # 2 (Ground Floor)
Road # 119, Gulshan-2
Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
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