Sunday - Thursday9AM - 5PM
OfficeHouse# 2, Road# 119, Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh


MSL will assist IDCJ to implement the project in Bangladesh by providing all sort of local project management and logistical supports. MSL will also provide data collection services for the following area under the project: Regional Development, Special Economic and/or Industrial Zone Development in Bangladesh; Implementation and Operation Framework of Regional Development Program and/or Masterplan...

Collected environmental legal framework, codes, criteria, conventions and organization charts Collected baseline environmental and social information for the followings Bio-Physical condition Socio-Cultural condition Pollution Conducted local biological environmental field study around ECA (ecologically critical area) and forest reserve The followings sample categories will be covered Floral Components Faunal Components Copies of Legal Codes Preliminary Assessment...

Maxwell Stamp Ltd. had carried out the following activities:   Filed Measurements of Ambient Environmental Quality Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Comparative Analysis of Project Alternatives Preparatory Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study for the Selected Priority Project Stakeholders Consultation Meeting:  

MSL would responsible for the 4-traffic survey under this preparatory survey named a) Traffic Count Survey, b) Roadside OD Interview Survey with Traffic Counts, c) Axle Load Survey with Traffic Counts and d) Data Collection Survey. For the Traffic Count Survey, 6 survey locations covered to count the volume of Traffic whereas, for 3 locations...

Identified capacity development programs (e.g., training) implemented by development partners as part of their projects and by Bangladeshi government institutions particularly working for the strengthening of local government institutions. Candidate projects implemented by development partners: LGSP 2 (Local Governance Support Project Phase II): The World Bank UZGP (Upazila Governance Project): UNDP UPGP (Union Parishad Governance...

Conducted capacity assessment of BAPPENAS and the other related ministries for implementing the MTEF-PBB; Developed/refined result-chain and KPIs in accordance with the relevant guidelines and manuals; Discussed various practices of budget preparation documentation to meet the PBB requirements e.g. the practices of other countries; Discussed the current relevant rules and regulations in Indonesia on the...

Updated and analyse the transition of the Central/ Pourashava governments’ (i) revenues and expenditures, and (ii) expenditure by categories of Revenue (recurrent) and Development up to 2014-15 by Budget Speech (Table 1), ADP (Table 2) as well as Pourashava Budgets; Analysed the mechanism of decision making, while identifying the specific formula to figure out these...

The Cordon Line Survey aimed to determine trips to/from the survey area made by residents living outside the survey area and to calibrate the distributed traffic volume obtained from another survey (i.e., Household Interview Survey; HIS). In order to obtain such data/information, vehicular/passenger traffic count survey, origin-destination (OD) interview survey, and vehicle occupancy survey was...

AddressBangladesh Office
Maxwell Stamp Ltd.
House # 2 (Ground Floor)
Road # 119, Gulshan-2
Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
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