This overview was carried out in parallel with a second more specific study by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Policy, on the supply of affordable housing, which was also expected to provide important complementary information for the redefinition of housing support policy.
The study included 4 specific components:
- Component 1: Evaluation of housing policy in terms of public spending
- Component 2: Evaluation of the impact of the affordable housing sector in terms of public resources
- Component 3: Evaluation of the contribution of the affordable housing sector to the economy
- Component 4: Evaluation of the impact of public support on the housing sector
MSL particularly conducted
- Data Collection and Review
- Evaluate Public Support to Housing (Component 1)
- Evaluate Public Revenue (Component 2)
- Impact on Developer Value Chain
- Economic Impact of Affordable Housing Sector (Component 3)
- Conclusion & Present
- Efficiency of Subsidies (Component 4)
- Conclusion & Present