Drafted sectoral analysis, program framework, environmental analysis, project design, and Terms of Reference for the establishment of the Credit Information Bureau. The components were as follows:
Component 1: Regulatory and Legal:
- Developed a monitoring system for the FISD to ensure satisfactory bank transparency
- Provision of technical training to FISD and other divisions in RMA
- Examination of guidelines and regulation in insurance operations
- Assisted in the drafting of regulations for Insurance and Financial Services Acts
Component 2: Strategy to Develop the Financial Sector:
- Conducted a financial sector assessment
- Developed a strategy for promoting new financial products justified by the assessment
- Developed a strategy to promote greater interest and activity in domestic securities/capital markets
Component 3: Training and development:
- Provided technical training
- Developed an investment and marketing strategy to restructure RICB’s asset base
- Identified and developed a suitable MIS for RICB