The specific involvements of MSL included: Developing an overall process monitoring plan including the methodologies and tools to be used; Identifying the critical processes (process documentation) involved with the various components, sub – projects and activities in consultation with the stock holders; Conducting beneficiary assessment to elicit beneficiary views on the project interventions; Developing and operationalizing self – monitoring system at the grass root institutional levels; Generating learning and feedback mechanism for adoption, including refining key processes in a timely manner and advising SDF for improving; Preparing monthly, quarterly and annual analytical reports on the process monitoring activities to reflect quality of project implementation; Exchanging process monitoring information with the stakeholders and present: its findings in various forum; Establishing linkage with the MIS of SDF for storage and further analysis of the process monitoring data; Assisting SDF to revisit the performance indicators as necessary to evaluate project impact; Documenting the good practices and lesson learned on regular basis; and Preparing publishable process monitoring documents incorporating learning and best practices