The Cordon Line Survey aimed to determine trips to/from the survey area made by residents living outside the survey area and to calibrate the distributed traffic volume obtained from another survey (i.e., Household Interview Survey; HIS). In order to obtain such data/information, vehicular/passenger traffic count survey, origin-destination (OD) interview survey, and vehicle occupancy survey was conducted at roadsides, airport terminals, bus terminals, ferry/boat terminals, and railway stations.
The Screen Line Survey aimed to provide vehicular and passenger traffic information to calibrate the current distributed traffic volume obtained from another survey (i.e., Household Interview Survey; HIS). In order to obtain the required data, two surveys, namely the traffic count survey and the vehicle occupancy survey, were conducted at road sections crossing the screen line in the Study area.
The Public Transportation Users’ Opinion Survey aimed to know passengers’ trip purpose, perceptions on public transport services and as well as socio-economic characteristics such as age, gender, occupation, car ownership, and so on.