The consultant prepared a comprehensive report covering: (i) detailed training programs that were geared toward “training the trainers (TOT)” for basic and advanced ICT skills, data management and business analytics, risk management and statistical profiling, and computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs); (ii) detailed recommendations on business process reengineering and restructuring of operating procedures to ensure optimal use of new equipment and facilities; (iii) prototypes of simplified documents to ease taxpayer compliance; and (iv) best practices guidelines and manuals on automated tax administration.
The tasks completed during the assignment were:
- conducting the training programs for basic and advanced ICT skills, data management and business analytics, risk management and statistical profiling, and computer-assisted audits;
- in close coordination with the project ICT specialists and TA 4941-KGZ’s tax administration reform specialists, carry-out business process reengineering to ensure (a) the effective adoption of ICT and other modern equipment and facilities, (b) the restructuring of SCTC operating procedures to ensure optimal use of these equipment and facilities, and (c) the simplification of procedures and forms to promote results and service-oriented performance;
- develop transition plans aimed at minimizing disruptions to operations and decreases in productivity arising from the modernization project; and
- develop best practice guidelines and manuals on automated tax administration, including electronic filing, payments, processing, and audits.