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TA-8385 MYA: Support for Post-Primary Education Development – 1 Secondary Education Curriculum Development Support (47177-001)

MSL built the capacity of and provide hands-on support to relevant members of the SECDT and SWC in the curriculum development process (including development of detailed curricula, course syllabi, and draft manuscripts of selected sections of textbooks and teacher guides) for LSE and USE science subject areas. MSL, in coordination with the ESEPCR and other consultants, provided technical leadership and guidance to the national Specialists on Science Curriculum Development in supporting the SECDT and MOE in the curriculum development process as part of the coordinated work plan. MSL ensured that the new curriculum was sensitive to gender, ethnic group, and other social dimensions. MSL conducted further capacity building needs assessment of SECDT members and SWCs in related subject areas, and identify an array of capacity building interventions (ranging from formal workshops to continuous mentoring). It Identified and propose necessary resource materials and/or other inputs for potential procurement (if endorsed by ADB). Implemented the agreed multi-modal capacity development plan.


For each grade-subjects, MSL supported relevant SECDT members and SWCs in preparing (a) detailed syllabi, and (b) structure and outline contents of textbooks and teacher guides. MSL also supported relevant SECDT members and SWCs in finalizing outline standards and performance indicators for each grade-subject combination covered, and drafting a related assessment framework. It provided subject-specific contributions to the development of guidelines for reforms of SES pedagogy and student assessment (including exams and other forms of assessment); support relevant SECDT members and SWCs in drafting manuscripts of selected sections of textbooks and teacher guides; provided recommendations for local curriculum and maintained close coordination and provided inputs to support related work in other subject areas, to ensure cross-fertilization and cohesive and solid team inputs.


Furthermore, MSL assisted to arrange a) two major SES curriculum development forums within Myanmar; b) a series of smaller in-country workshops; c) international study visits for selected MOE staff; and d) minor procurements of equipment, reference materials, software, etc.

Maxwell Stamp Limited

AddressBangladesh Office
Maxwell Stamp Ltd.
House # 2 (Ground Floor)
Road # 119, Gulshan-2
Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
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