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TA-9589 PRC: Jiangxi Shangrao Early Childhood Education Demonstration Project – Consulting Firm for Project Design, Due Diligence, and Capacity Development

MSL carried out the following tasks:


  • Designed and conducted a survey;
  • Prepared a technical note on international and national good practices and lessons learned;
  • Prepared an ECE sector assessment report;
  • Prepared detailed methodologies and plans for developing and upgrading curriculum of pre-service ECE teacher education courses; developing ICT platforms for pre-service ECE teacher education; and developing training programs for in-service ECE teachers and principals; assist the Shangrao ECE Normal College and the East China Normal University in establishing twinning arrangements;
  • Prepared training plans for different groups of pre- and in-service ECE teachers and principals;
  • Prepared detailed methodologies and plans for developing and implementing township-centered village kindergarten network models, community-integrated ECE models, and other ideas to expand quality ECE provision, especially in rural areas in Shangrao; identify consulting services and other inputs required to implement the plans;
  • Prepared a research framework which identifies key issues of policy and practice to be researched systematically for improving the quality of ECE in Shangrao, guidelines for preparing and evaluating research project proposals, and for monitoring and evaluating research projects within the research framework;
  • Provided inputs for the preparation of project or program documents including relevant sections of the RRP, PAM or PID, and linked documents (program soundness assessment, program results assessment, and result framework, program monitoring and evaluation system assessment, program action plan, and attached technical assistance report).


Maxwell Stamp Limited

AddressBangladesh Office
Maxwell Stamp Ltd.
House # 2 (Ground Floor)
Road # 119, Gulshan-2
Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
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