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TA-9652 BAN: Capacity Development for Microenterprise Development Project – 01 National Consultants


The objective of the consulting services was to support Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) in developing their capacity in microenterprise financing operations. The national consultants would focus on: Operationalization of mobile microfinance services; Enhancing microenterprise development services; and Supported the project’s financial management and analysis.


MSL was responsible to: Review and finalize POs’ and PKSF IT system and staff capacity and online connectivity support plan; Select Pos, develop and finalize a plan for a pilot mobile microfinance operation for selected POs; Develop legal and regulatory guidelines to initiate mobile microfinance pilot among PKSF and POs; Review existing mobile microfinance applications, e-money platforms and other relevant applications and adopt or modify the applications for PKSF and POs operational needs; Identify feasibility for e-commerce platform for PKSF PO’s member microentrepreneurs; Develop an e-commerce operation plan for PKSF; Identify 2-3 products of microenterprise business, develop a scheme to transform them into enterprise clusters for business upscaling; Identify areas for support including but not limited to quality control, marketing, branding packaging, and distribution; Develop necessary value chain developments and backward and forward linkages; Arrange necessary legal and regulatory advisory for enterprise clusters; Select and finalize a microenterprise cluster and develop enterprise support scheme plan; Advise PKSF and develop staff training plan to operate and maintain mobile microfinance programs; Assist POs to install the pilot system and applications and develop operational manual; Prepare POs system development; Conduct training to POs and prepare training report; Develop training modules for POs’ clients, assist them conducting clients training and prepare POs client training report; Prepare mobile microfinance support scheme plan implementation monitoring and review report; Implement Gender Action Plan; Review audited statements of utilization of funds using ADB’s review of financial statements checklist; In consultation with PKSF and ADB draft a Summary status Report of audited financial statement of utilization of funds; and Support PKSF and ADB to prepare different financial and adhoc reports.


Timeframe: July 2019 - December 2020

Realated Countries: Bangladesh

Client(s): ADB, Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)

Categories: PFM and Financial Management and Audit and Accounting, Capacity Building and Management Reform and Human Resources Management

AddressBangladesh Office
Maxwell Stamp Ltd.
House # 2 (Ground Floor)
Road # 119, Gulshan-2
Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
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