Sunday - Thursday9AM - 5PM
OfficeHouse# 2, Road# 119, Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Under this assignment, MSL worked to achieve the following tasks: Agreement with SPPS team on planned methodology: A pre-assignment meeting with the SPPS project team to ensure that all parties are in specific agreement on details of the assignment. Day long in-depth discussion with SPPS project team. A methodology briefing meeting with the SPPS project...

Maxwell Stamp is particularly performing the activities i.e.: a) Institutional Capacity assessment of the MoF SPU; b) Developing a comprehensive training methodology of GoB MoF and 6 other line ministries; c) Review of Financial Planning and management for the GoB in line with international best practices; d) Development and Implementation of MIS and improvement of...

Organization, Management and Integrity: Reviewed and analyzed existing organizational structure, identified negative and positive sides, reorganized and consolidated tax administration based on functional rationalization of personnel and systems. Developed methodology for the TC management for monitoring and assessing the performance of the entire tax authorities. Developed newsletters on the TARP purposes and status for internal...

Designed the surveys and ensued database covering all important definitional, analytical, policy, incentives and institutional issues and based on the most appropriate definitions of the various variables; Generated the primary data to the highest standard of accuracy possible, and obtained all appropriate secondary data bearing in mind the imperative to deal with the econometric problem...

MSL assisted both the LTUs and Central Intelligence Cell (CIC) with maintaining use of the three separate IT systems developed under RIRA. MSL’s software programmers worked for fine-tuning and adapting the modules suitable to the LTU and CIC needs, as well as mentoring the officials in the consistent use of these systems. Particularly for the...

Maxwell Stamp was commissioned to implement a four-year project to provide technical assistance to National Board of Revenue (NBR) of Bangladesh. The aim of the project was to support the integration of tax from all areas, both direct and indirect. This included the future formulation of taxpayer identification numbers (TINs) and the establishment of a...

AddressBangladesh Office
Maxwell Stamp Ltd.
House # 2 (Ground Floor)
Road # 119, Gulshan-2
Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
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