Sunday - Thursday9AM - 5PM
OfficeHouse# 2, Road# 119, Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Transport Infrastructure Development

Description of Project: Revealed Preference (RP) Survey: To understand the reason behind present mode choice after the MRT L6 operation is fully started from the Uttara North station to Agargaon station. Stated Preference Survey (SP): To understand the future mode choice preference along the Airport – Mohakhali- Kamalapur Corridor.

MSL will be responsible for the following tasks: Task 1: Advisory Support to RTSICP RTSICP Calendar of Meetings and Events RTSICP meeting proceedings/minutes Industry consultation report based on interview/survey Task 2: Advice on Operationalizing Road Maintenance Fund (RMF) Review report on Road Maintenance Fund Draft final report on Road Maintenance Fund operationalization Workshops /Knowledge sharing...

MSL conducted this survey to understand people’s stated preference (SP) for selecting a new transport mode under hypothetical conditions which cannot be predicted through analysis of the existing trip data, and to develop a mode choice model for travel demand forecast. In order to estimate future modal choice of MRT Line 2 the data collected...

AddressBangladesh Office
Maxwell Stamp Ltd.
House # 2 (Ground Floor)
Road # 119, Gulshan-2
Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
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