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Social Protection

MSL has implemented several social protection projects till date and use the best practices that has been identified as the catalyst of success of those projects. MSL just finished the Strengthening Public Financial Management for Social Protection (SPFMSP) Project under the DFID’s Strengthening Government Social Protection Systems for the Poor (SGSP) program with an aim to improve social protection policy-making, strategic planning, financing, implementation and monitoring and to build individual and organizational capacity in Bangladesh. Starting in late 2014, the project got several extensions due to the increasing interest and requirements by the government on social protection system as well as successful implementation by the organization with the highest quality.

The project is waiting for another phase to be started in few months’ time. MSL also just completed the World Bank project titled Enhancing Government to Person (G2P) Payments for Supporting Safety Net Programs Transition to a Centralized Payment Platform. MSL completed a Situation Assessment for Establishing a National Social Protection Management Information System in Bangladesh for UNDP. It has provided Technical Support to Design a Universal Child benefit Programme (UCBP) for Bangladesh to UNICEF with an objective to provide technical support to the Cabinet Division to develop an operational design of the UCBP targeting 0-5 years children. Furthermore, MSL’s staff has been worked in DFID’s Expanding Social Protection (ESP) Programme Phase I in Uganda and AusAID’s Social Protection and Sustainable Livelihoods (SPSL) in Lao PDR.


Want to see our project data sheet related to Social Protection?

AddressBangladesh Office
Maxwell Stamp Ltd.
House # 2 (Ground Floor)
Road # 119, Gulshan-2
Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
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