Sunday - Thursday9AM - 5PM
OfficeHouse# 2, Road# 119, Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Monitoring and Evaluation/ Impact Evaluation

Narrative description of Project: To identify any critical deviations in project implementation and factors responsible and recommend actions that would help project management at all levels to take appropriate decisions. To identify specific areas / issues based on process monitoring that require further thematic and evaluation studies. To identify and describe best practices and develop...

Carry out Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and prepare Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) for the project area covered under the LDDP.  The major activities to be carried out will include, but not limited to the following: Review the ESMF Review the Project details Environmental and Social Screening Scoping...

This overview was carried out in parallel with a second more specific study by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Policy, on the supply of affordable housing, which was also expected to provide important complementary information for the redefinition of housing support policy.   The study included 4 specific components: Component 1: Evaluation of housing...

Processed monitoring for community institutions, community financing,  infrastructural (Tube well, Culvert, earthen road, school) and social awareness program activities (prevention of dowry, early marriage, polygamy, school dropout, women harassment) .developed six different monitoring tools (Such as Report Card, MPD, Wealth Ranking, Field Visit Assessment by PMA, FGD with CSOs and Post Assessment Guidelines for the...

On behalf of OPMAC, MSL was responsible for the following services: Prepared and checked the questionnaires whether or not it is comprehensible to the executing agency and/or other Project-related agencies; Provided necessary assistance for the concerned agencies to complete the questionnaire; Coordinated meetings between the executing agency and/or other Project-related agencies; Collected information and data...

The Consultant was responsible for undertaking six sets of activities for the Assignment:   Designed and conducted a Participatory Process for the NARI Project Design; Developed a Targeting and Selection Mechanism for the project beneficiary population; Established a Vulnerability Map of the Labor Supply Chain, identifying compensatory responses to points of vulnerability; Undertook a Market...

The specific involvements of MSL included: Developing an overall process monitoring plan including the methodologies and tools to be used; Identifying the critical processes (process documentation) involved with the various components, sub – projects and activities in consultation with the stock holders; Conducting beneficiary assessment to elicit beneficiary views on the project interventions; Developing and...

Designed an M&E system supported by a web-portal. The tasks included the following:   Collected existing baseline data and reports; Local institutional aspects – identified possible local partners, institutional map, assessment of capacity, drafting potential partnership agreements/MOUs; Designed overall system architecture and determine technologies to be used. Developed a complete specification with the wider team...

AddressBangladesh Office
Maxwell Stamp Ltd.
House # 2 (Ground Floor)
Road # 119, Gulshan-2
Dhaka – 1212, Bangladesh
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