Traffic Survey for Road PPP Project Formulation in Bangladesh
Narrative description of Project: The main goal of this survey is to collect the Vehicle Classified Traffic Count Survey data at Basila Bridge and Tora Bridge.
Narrative description of Project: The main goal of this survey is to collect the Vehicle Classified Traffic Count Survey data at Basila Bridge and Tora Bridge.
Description of Project: Revealed Preference (RP) Survey: To understand the reason behind present mode choice after the MRT L6 operation is fully started from the Uttara North station to Agargaon station. Stated Preference Survey (SP): To understand the future mode choice preference along the Airport – Mohakhali- Kamalapur Corridor.
Description of Project: The main goal of this survey is to collect the Directional Classified Traffic Count Survey data from the six (6) intersections surrounding to the Kamalapur Railway Station and Passenger Count and Trip Information at the railway station.
Description of Project: Road capacity assessment.
The purpose of the consultancy is to conduct Social Economic Impact Modeling for Dhaka Mymensingh (N3) Expressway (DME) Project.
The purpose of the consultancy was to develop a concept of a Labor Market Information System (LMIS) for the Economic Zones in Bangladesh. The study answered the foundational questions to assess the feasibility and value-added of developing an LMIS for the EZs. Figuring out what information sources were relevant to integrate intoDescription of actual services...
MSL will be responsible to: Develop a strategy to improve the railway corridor efficiency draft a roadmap for enhancing the role and efficiency of Zaminn Udd logisitcs platform
MSL will oversee the project and be the main interface with ACER to solve any project management related issues on a day-to-day basis. MSL will be in charge of: Coordination, delivery and quality assurance of the evaluation survey to ACER Liaise with the Ministry and relevant education stakeholders Oversight of survey and interview activities to...
MSL will be responsible for: Field level survey and analysis on indicator results Assess and validate the five (5) Impact, three (3) Outcome and three (3) Output indicators that were reported by the Fund. In addition, the consultant should also assess and validate the delivery of five (5) Output indicators (Reference Annex A, Indicators) that...
MSL developed the sampling strategy, translated the questionnaire, and selected the interviewee for the questionnaire survey and KIIs.